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(BACK) TO THE MOON ...(and Black is Beautiful)

(BACK) TO THE MOON ...(and Black is Beautiful)

Veröffentlicht am 15, Apr., 2023 Aktualisiert am 15, Apr., 2023 Kultur
time 3 min
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(BACK) TO THE MOON ...(and Black is Beautiful)

Painters, famous ones, get the skills and embody the art of shape(s), of shaping what it is sometimes invisible or confused, or murky, blurred, misty, occult : inspiration is a bit strange, sometimes mystified too. The time, the political one - "Trump Trials", TRUMP DEFENDANT - makes appear that if inspiration is a Muse then it's Mnemosyne. The DOCUMENTS CASE - and it is the core of the current and storical issue - is likely the old files ones. Classified documents, stolen ones (some of them, may we say today given that the investigation is ongoing and maybe is only beginning) by the Never-More-President of America (of America : maybe a mythic one, for a remake with a bad exclusive casting), are the focus by which a prejudice can be vanish, an anti-American one : a puritanical America that is a country which is corrupted by hypocrisy and lies. But do they reallly know, understand what is puritanism ? If Justice matters, and Justice mat

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