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How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part III)

How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part III)

Publié le 2 avr. 2021 Mis à jour le 2 avr. 2021 Politique
time 9 min
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lecture 440 lectures

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How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part III)

The most corrupt the state, the more numerous the laws.



The ‘Connectivity’ or the Network of the powerful ones

On June 20th, 2014 I was carefully listening to a speech given by Jean-Philippe Carpentier, former Director of TRACFIN (the French agency in charge of tracking the illicit circulation of capital), which is the money laundering cell of the French Ministry of Finances, during a round-table conference taking place at the French Parliament about the struggle against tax evasion. This top ranking civil servant then told us that in 1998 and 1999, the highest level of our State had ordered to be exclusively in charge of the street criminality. He repeated this sentence three times for the audience to understand that the white-collar criminality was at that time offered a form of impunity.

The whistleblowers suffer from the slowness of the justice because it is not independent from the political strength in power. T

Il s’agit d’une publication Prime

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Whistleblowers: The Manhunt (Hunters become the hunted) de Stephanie Gibaud

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