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How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part II)

How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part II)

Publié le 25 avr. 2021 Mis à jour le 25 avr. 2021 Politique
time 7 min
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lecture 257 lectures

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How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part II)


Path to Transparency

Our stories have proven that it is the business world that crashes the majority of citizens who have become whistleblowers. It is the world in which changes will come in terms of legal and moral obligations and because of the Internet world in which not a single piece of information nowadays stays hidden. The change as far as operating mode is concerned will take place thanks to staff representatives and honest elected representatives who will not hesitate to fight hard when problems occur. The stakes are high when one knows the figures relating to work suffering, the number of employees on sick leave, the ones suffering a burn-out and a depression. What could be the reasons for a company director to make his employees weakened if it is not to keep a certain type of power, to continue to ‘divide and rule’?

The author Laurent Gounelle (Laurent Gounelle, Les dieux voyagent toujours incognito, Pocket, Paris, 2012

Il s’agit d’une publication Prime

Pour en profiter, abonne-toi à la Creative Room
Whistleblowers: The Manhunt (Hunters become the hunted) de Stephanie Gibaud

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lecture 257 lectures
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