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How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part II)

How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part II)

Publié le 26 mars 2021 Mis à jour le 26 mars 2021 Politique
time 12 min
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lecture 249 lectures

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How Whistleblowers are being assassinated in France (Part II)

The most efficient way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history.

George Orwell


Powerlessness of the Defender of Rights which is inoperative

When Françoise Nicolas, a diplomat employed by the Embassy of France in Benin, suffered a murder attempt whilst at her desk so it seemed obvious that her Administration would take all the measures to protect her at once. However she was confronted with the ‘reasons of state’ for the first time in 2011, her file was rejected in 2012 because it had to be treated under the angle of discrimination whereas she also was blowing the whistle about public funds embezzlement. Such was the law then. At that time, the legal department of the Defender of Rights had explained that discrimination established over twelve years (age or sex) was not long enough. Her file could only have been instructed after a 30-year discrimination period (sic). Thanks to the ne

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Whistleblowers: The Manhunt (Hunters become the hunted) de Stephanie Gibaud

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