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How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part I)

How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part I)

Publié le 24 avr. 2021 Mis à jour le 24 avr. 2021 Politique
time 10 min
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lecture 229 lectures

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How can we survive? What actions can we undertake? (Part I)

We shall never surrender.

Winston Churchill


The diagnosis has the virtue of being clear: demagogy, hypocrisy, vote-catching and plutocracy (in order to allow the suspicion of the sincere ones). Naive optimism is what one can hear, however a huge violence is really implemented thanks to a strategy of terror and a culture of the lie.

Nowadays, we have all the tools to take and take back, the power from a class of incompetent and corrupted ones. It is only about taking back what is a ‘normal’ democracy meaning that the power belongs to the citizens. Until today, only those who are brave enough have risked their lives because they are far too few when facing the selfish, the coward and the ignorant ones. But the resistant ones are gaining strength! In his time, the French humorist Francis Blanche had already analyzed the situation when declaring that “In face of a changing world, one would rather think about changing rather than

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