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Looking Back on Letting Her Dreams Slide

Looking Back on Letting Her Dreams Slide

Publié le 27 sept. 2024 Mis à jour le 28 sept. 2024 Développement personnel
time 4 min
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lecture 10 lectures

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Looking Back on Letting Her Dreams Slide

How one woman decided to stop settling and start living according to her values

As Sarah looked back on her life, she couldn’t help but feel a sense of sadness and regret. So many dreams she had as a young woman — pursuing a career in fashion, learning to play the guitar, traveling the world — had fallen by the wayside as the years slipped by. “I just got so caught up in life’s daily responsibilities that I stopped making time for what really mattered to me,” she reflected.

Sarah remembered the spark of joy and wonder she would feel dreaming about her future. Yet somewhere along the way, those hopes and visions faded into the background as bills, work stresses, and family obligations took center stage. Now in her late 40s, she realized with a sinking heart that the aspirations of her youth may remain unfulfilled.

I let fear, self-doubt, and other people’s expectations hold me back from living fully,” Sarah said. So many what-ifs sw

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