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Looking Back on Letting Her Dreams Slide

Looking Back on Letting Her Dreams Slide

Veröffentlicht am 27, Sept., 2024 Aktualisiert am 3, Nov., 2024 Personal Development
time 4 min
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Looking Back on Letting Her Dreams Slide

How one woman decided to stop settling and start living according to her values.

What one woman had to say about one woman and how she chose to refuse to be a doormat anymore
Losing a child is difficult, and it only gets worse when the child’s life is filled with sadness and regret before dying. He felt so many dreams that she used to have as a young woman— the dream of having a career in fashion, learning how to play the guitar, and travelling around the world— had been left behind with time. This was evident, as with so many of us, she lost herself in the usual responsibilities that life presents to us day by day.

For years, Sarah has remembered how it used to feel when dreaming about the future:

This light happiness and delight. Although, somewhere down a line, those dreams and aspirations got sidelined by bills, work-related pressure and family responsibilities. A woman now, in the late 40ies, she understood that all the dreams o

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