An Open Mind is a Happy Place
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An Open Mind is a Happy Place
I wasn’t born with all the answers.
Say what you want, nobody is perfect, and we all can develop our ability to look past our own set of experiences. Having been a child with little interest in anything other than sports and video games, I won’t deny that I never thought much about how other people lived their lives. I realized I was able to grow up in this life without noticing how much better I had it than others.
Usually that was not the case, but a few years back opened my eyes though.
One time my friend corrected me on a statement which was so irrelevant. But this discovery made me learned just how much my experience had been limiting my view of the world. It was super awkward, yes, but I’m also kind of thankful because it made me start pondering things like this more often.
Since then, I have been doing my utmost to listen more and assume less. If someone shows me where I lack substance, I do not start arguing or becomi
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