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How I Overcame Imposter Syndrome

How I Overcame Imposter Syndrome

Publié le 23 sept. 2024 Mis à jour le 23 sept. 2024 Développement personnel
time 2 min
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lecture 19 lectures

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How I Overcame Imposter Syndrome

4 simple habits that helped me believe in myself.

For most of my life, I struggled with a lack of confidence. 

I’d avoid putting myself out there socially or speaking up in meetings at work because I constantly doubted myself. My inner critic was on overdrive, tearing me down at every opportunity. As an introvert by nature, it always just felt easier to stay in my comfort zone rather than risk failure or judgment.

But over time, living that way took a real toll on me, both mentally and emotionally.

 I was exhausted from keeping to myself all the time and not going after opportunities I truly wanted. At that moment, I made the firm resolution to no longer tolerate the situation. I wanted to become the kind of person who felt truly comfortable in their skin. So I started exploring small habits I could implement daily to slowly build my confidence from the inside out.

Smiling was the first thing I focused on. 

As someone who n

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