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Build a Habit of Lifelong Learning

Build a Habit of Lifelong Learning

Publié le 11 sept. 2024 Mis à jour le 11 sept. 2024 Développement personnel
time 3 min
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lecture 7 lectures

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Build a Habit of Lifelong Learning

How dedicating a little time each week to expanding your mind

Learning is a journey, not a destination. Those who continue expanding their minds throughout their lives gain so much — new skills and perspectives, intellectual stimulation, and the confidence that comes from growing as a person.

Yet, it can be challenging to make learning a consistent priority when life gets busy. That’s why I love the concept of the “5-hour rule” — a simple framework I’ve used to keep myself growing, even on my craziest weeks.

The 5-hour rule was introduced by novelist and writing teacher Natalie Goldberg. In her book Writing Down the Bones, she recommends writers spend at least five unfocused hours a week simply writing, with no expectations or goals in mind other than putting words on the page.

While Goldberg intended it for writing practice, I think the spirit of the 5-hour rule can apply to any kind of learning. It’s about blocking out inte

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