Build a Habit of Lifelong Learning
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Build a Habit of Lifelong Learning
How dedicating a little time each week to expanding your mind
Education itself is a process, and it is not still a finished road. There are so many things people can gain as long as they continue to expand their learning all through their lives — new attitude and skills, mental exposure, and positive self-fulfillment.
However, it is difficult for learning to be that regular endeavor when the necessary time it requires is eaten up by other activities. That is why the idea of the ‘5-hour rule’ is so appealing in my view — it is a base model I have utilized to ensure growth even when the schedule is extremely tight.
The 5-hour rule was devised by the talented novelist and writing teacher Natalie Goldberg. In one of her books Writing Down the Bones, she advises the writers to practice writing at least five hours in a given week without aiming at anything, in writing.
It doesn’t necessarily have to be writing, but as far as I unde
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