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keen on kicks

keen on kicks

Published Apr 14, 2020 Updated Sep 28, 2020 Offbeat
time 1 min
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lecture 221 readings

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keen on kicks

as the sun rises,

I raise into darkness,

entities around me

I saw the sky crawling.


as the moon rises,

I’m enlightened by its brightness,

nothing more true,

than the blessings of its outfits


I’m a punk, I’m a rasta,

imma Jahstapunk fallen 

with da wings of Freyja,

smart bright as Loki,

mindfulness of Wotan.


nothing can stop me 

as I’m the chosen one,

days after days I’m raising 

months after months 

in this dirty business I get my cash 

when it comes up times after times


I’m not bad as evil,

imma just a black wizard,

pushing my will through the darkness

having my time for myself


I’m not bas as ‘em

i’m just the best of ‘em

tha old driver is in coma

and I’m praying for him


Jah blesses me each day

as discordjah comes everyday

Hallelujah they scream, 

I’m telling Hail Wodanaz

and that’s enough 

to fulfill me with blessings.


as everyday is a chance

I’ll never be lost again,

I might help myself for dreams,

as I’m keen on kicks


keen on kicks is a blessing

keen on kick is a story

ì can tell everyday my luckiness

as i’m blessed in this journey




lecture 221 readings
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