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old deadlines

old deadlines

Published Mar 21, 2020 Updated Jul 3, 2021 Offbeat
time 1 min
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lecture 246 readings

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old deadlines

if I do not sleep do I die a little death?

in silence, without a word, no word, no thought.

would I see the sun of the era?

I think I do not want to see it , it's easier to ignore it,

Handicapped, depressed, a state which only plunge.

Handicapped but not too much, just enough for me to ruin my exstence,

keeping me out off enjoyment , but it's my own fault so I assume as possible.

I stopped druggs, my favorite THC, dealer failure.

While I was doing my music more than ever,

a pace that nothing could stop, except boredom and little death, faithless insomnia brought me at the end of the night.

I am tired, exhausted from fighting for nothing, so I gave up.

during these nights I suffered in silence,

without being able to make a sound without disturbing this small monastery the family is when your still home at 29 years old.

Here they sleep at night,

except me, it was like a jail of silence and suffered not to faint,

I even almost died of this psycho-rigid being I was,

Then I watched as I could and finally fell into a dreamless sleep and unrecovering sleep and making use that slowly immersed myself in dementia.

No blame into my mind,

My soul hurted and it was necessary that I escape.

What I did..


lecture 246 readings
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