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"Onomastic" (names analysis) research, or when a name is written out in full....
Science or not Science ?
The latest article of Le Courrier des Stratèges (today March 30th, by Laurent Aventin : "Les vaccins contre Covid détériorent le système immunitaire et provoquent un syndrome d'immunitédéficience acquise [SIDA]") reveals that Covid vaccines destroy natural defense system (the self immune one) and cause serious damages or an unnatural/artificial deficiency immunity syndrom [HIV]. The paper talks about different pathologists, amongs others Dr Eads who studies post-vaccines diseases. Actually, the UK Health Security Agency informs, like a trusted whistleblower, about dangerous effects for next weeks and months. It deals (bad business) indeed with a a kind of virus which impacts human genome because of ARN....
Politics !
From the beginning of such a weird political affair (an AMERICAN DEAL, a likely suspicious scam, now a B
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