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FAQ - Table of contents

FAQ - Table of contents

Publié le 17 nov. 2022 Mis à jour le 17 janv. 2023 Technologie
time 2 min
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lecture 2306 lectures

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FAQ - Table of contents

On Panodyssey, everything is always sorted! You will find here all the topics covered by our FAQ. 📖


Panodyssey Pro: the basics

What is Panodyssey Pro? We will answer all your questions about the offer and what's in for you. 💡


Registration and certification

This section will guide you through your first steps on Panodyssey, from creating a professional account to certifying it. You will get familiar with our social network. ✍️


Publishing and working together

This section will explain how to publish on Panodyssey and work in a collaborative way with other members of the community. We will give you the keys to write content, alone or with other creators. 🤝


Monetisation and e-wallet

This section will give you some information about the different monetisation options on Panodyssey: online donations, Prime subscriptions, e-wallet... you will know all about it! 💵


Best practices: how can I increase my visibility and expand my audience?

This section will give you several tips to make the most out of Panodyssey. Increase your visibility and create a strong community. 📬


Use cases: what can I do with Panodyssey Pro?

This section will show you how Panodyssey can help you increase the visibility of your professional activity. Every use case is illustrated with examples featuring editors, medias and other cultural actors who have already switched to Panodyssey Pro. ⭐

lecture 2306 lectures
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Bernard Ducosson
1 min

Un mot d'un dictionnaire, ma définition, votre sourire, ma joie.

Bernard Ducosson
1 min

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