The Paradox of Individualism
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The Paradox of Individualism
Impact on personal fulfillment and social cohesion.
It is also worthy to note that the problem of individualism is closer to literal meaning and, as evident, easier to comprehend as it plays close attention to the formation and subsequent development of societies. A lot of concepts in existentialism in political science, cultural and historical process contribute to individualism which is an ongoing theme in the western civilization, starting from literary prose, the works of Jack London ‘The Call of the Wild’, political philosophy of John Locke, Jean-Jacques Rousseau and other theoreticians, political culture of western democratization process as well as in such significant sociological paradigms as Structural Functionalism, Conflict Theory,
To this extent, individualism vis-à-vis western societies.
Free individualism has played a role in the life of the western nations. It has become a part of the American dream, which emphasize i
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