My Voyage of Self-Discovery
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My Voyage of Self-Discovery
Uncovering the compass that guides me.
As many others, I was just floundering aimlessly in the sea of life with no definitive goal in sight. I could have been a successful man in the eyes of the society and organizations; however, I was empty. Deep down my heart, I felt like I was not getting it right somewhere, but I could not tell how to manage it.
It was I think at middle 30s I realized I could no longer brush it off and pretend the feeling was not there. This made me realize that before any issue of planning and direction to take in the future, I need to have a good understanding of who I am. Help?! This must have started the discovery of my values.
The first process initiated in this journey was extracting reflective time in the morning with journaling.
I was reminiscing life episodes the same way I used to read books, thinking of what finally made those moments meaningful even in college. Ideas brainstormed d
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