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An Open Mind is a Happy Place

An Open Mind is a Happy Place

Publié le 17 sept. 2024 Mis à jour le 17 sept. 2024 Développement personnel
time 1 min
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lecture 2 lectures

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An Open Mind is a Happy Place

I wasn’t born with all the answers.

Look, we all have room to grow when it comes to seeing beyond our own experiences, right? As someone who focused mostly on sports and video games as a kid, I’ll admit I didn’t give much thought to what life was like for others. It was easy to go through life thinking everyone had it as good as me.

A few years back opened my eyes though.

My friend called me out on a comment that was way off base. At that moment, I realized just how narrow my perspective had been. It was super awkward, but I’m also grateful because it got me thinking more about this stuff.

Ever since, I’ve been trying my best to listen and assume less. When someone points out where I’m missing the mark, I don’t get all defensive. I know they’re doing me a favor by giving me a chance to learn. It’s cool having people in my life who care enough to hold that mirror up.

Photo by Artem Balashevsky on Unsplash

When I catch myse

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