The Quest for Trustworthy Care
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The Quest for Trustworthy Care
Unveiling the Secret Face of Nursing.
Nurses take the roles of light and sparkles in the complicated world of medical care. At their most vulnerable state, they are expected to treat and heal human beings. Yet, there is a dark side of this realm of benevolence. An unspoken story that underlies the supposedly rampant nursing fraud. This story looks at what some nurses are doing wrong, the damage that their actions have on patients, and what has been done to stop it.
Nursing, like all professions, is predicated on an ethical guiding principle which directs the nurses or rather the nurses’ filmy relationships with these patients. Unfortunately, there are times that those ethical principles are violated. One of the worst offenses is that patients, even those who are quite frail and susceptible, are often exploited. This betrayal is nearly always motivated by money. Nurses who are in a position to care get to manage situations to reap som
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