Mastering the Art of Achieving the Perfect Balance
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Mastering the Art of Achieving the Perfect Balance
Unleashing Your Creativity while Nurturing Your Family
Caring for the family and pursuing interest as an artist may become a problem and complex at the same time. There is an opportunity to handle all the household chore with the same doing all the things possible and needing energy for creating.
In this story, we will focus on the challenges in balancing creativity with obligations to members of the family. We will also compare between the two and also the advantages and disadvantages of favoring one rather than the other.
Achieving the balance between family and creativity is not easy to achieve under any circumstance.
Family duties can take a lot of time away from us, but creative professions require one hundred percent attention and work. That is, stress and exhaustion could be a consequence of attempts at juggling both. A real life example can be a young musician who wants to work and take care of a family while practicing and g
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