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The Value of Pardon

The Value of Pardon

Publié le 22 nov. 2022 Mis à jour le 27 janv. 2023 Culture
time 10 min
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lecture 573 lectures

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The Value of Pardon

An article written by Pénélope Morin & Rajinder Jhol

Reading, editing, commenting, translating are called: Humanities, in French since the 13th century

As we approach the holiday season, we take time to rejuvenate, take stock, and reflect on our accomplishments as individuals, as communities, and collectively as human societies. We are at the dawn of a new creation story with the changing of the guard. We are on the cusp of the most important paradigm and trajectory shift of our existence. 

The most important influence that an act of Pardon can have on the earthly life of mankind is the influence it has on the self, social, and societal spheres. The decisive action is above all in the social sphere between humans, where the value of pardon liberates us from anger, holding bitterness

lecture 573 lectures
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Alexandre Leforestier il y a 2 ans

I am very happy to contribute on this publication.

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