The Liberating Lessons of a Life Spent on the Open Road
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The Liberating Lessons of a Life Spent on the Open Road
A journey of self-discovery, cultural connection, and unbounded freedom.
I believe that as far back as I may recall, I have been determined towards exploring more of the world that exists beyond each horizon. My desire for wanderlust has grown year by year, as traveling as a lone traveler contributes to my personality development.
For the first time in my life, I went abroad at the age of 17. Having backpacked across Europe I felt a rush, an excitement and a freedom I had never felt before. Independence and adventures made me become interested in life. Since then, I have been traveling across six continents at least several times for the past 25 years, and my passport has certainly accumulated several dozen of stamps.
Through going out and traveling, I have learned as much as I could ever learn from a classroom.
It has refined my persona in manners I never thought possible and has altered the way I perceive other lives, and c
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