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Feeling Less Than Productive?

Feeling Less Than Productive?

Publié le 26 sept. 2024 Mis à jour le 26 sept. 2024 Curiosités
time 2 min
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Feeling Less Than Productive?

Try These Tips!

If you ever find yourself wondering where the day went or struggling to cross items off your to-do list, you’re not alone. Staying productive is a challenge we all face from time to time. But with some targeted strategy changes, you can get a handle on those tasks and make the most of each day. Here are tips I’ve found helpful for busting through procrastination and boosting my productivity.

The first step is setting clear goals. 

Vague, ambiguous goals like “be more organized” won’t drive you into action — but clearly defining what you hope to achieve will. For me, that meant writing out specific deadlines or outcomes, like “finish the reports by Friday” or “lose 10 pounds by June.” Once I knew my destination, it was much easier to map out the path to get there.

Next, take some time to plan your days or weeks.

 I like to spend Sunday evenings prepping my calendar for the coming week. Assessing my schedule he

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