TRUMP, RUSSIA, SAUDI ARABIA...(Democrat Challengers)
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TRUMP, RUSSIA, SAUDI ARABIA...(Democrat Challengers)
From classified documents case to the Espionage Act violation, we indeed don't have to move or change our FOCUS : just a narrower or broader one. The case, the affair, the seriousness is globally the same. A traitor, a felon : a robber of - secret - State (goverment) documents, some of them he tried to hide, to conceal (maybe he informed others) until a non understandable gesture which would avoid a so mean drama : Trump didn't turn documents back as if they are his (!), as if he didn't want to (!), until what now it is called DOJ's CASE AGAINST DONALD TRUMP (MSNBC, 'morning.joe', June 16th). Simple to give them back, no ? Why always lying like a compelling need or self-defense which pleas for guilty ? Guess Justice is coming like a sign (a sign, not an ome, with prophets or written sky with an ancient sacrifice of an animal from its belly....), yes a sign of his personal collapse (as a relevant come back on his own presidential ele
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