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We are not stupid. Who then ?THE COVID19 CASE

We are not stupid. Who then ?THE COVID19 CASE

Publicado el 30, jun, 2023 Actualizado 30, jun, 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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We are not stupid. Who then ?THE COVID19 CASE


Only Suprematism, White World and Cancel Culture (a patriarchy and dictatorship some countries intend to settle like a way of maintaining a power by replacing democracy by theocracy like confounding earth with sky : Trump's pseudo America, Netanyahu's coalitions, and so on), only such an insane ideology (a case of sickness of social body health) would make us believe in a stupid, so simple and very very mean, narrative  : a contradictory one which could lead its chiefs or leaders in a Court. A bad boring - all Pink - narrative like a fantasy without clear beginning and an endless repetitive STORY : a doll house, and a tale for timeless shy children who would obey like blind minds already brainwashed. Still Reuters Daily Briefing (June 29th) delivers a chance to me for exposing so much stupidity and mockery of any Democracy that is a State with awaken citizen who knows The Rule of Law without any control for understanding and assessi

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