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Which Guy ?(Wich Government US had under Donald Trump ?)

Which Guy ?(Wich Government US had under Donald Trump ?)

Publicado el 2, jun, 2023 Actualizado 2, jun, 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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Which Guy ?(Wich Government US had under Donald Trump ?)

Which Guy ? Under which Name, or which name, and for whom ? Trump Defendant is scrambling, even not a Guy Fawkes come back as a plot author but a guy who will sentenced even not like the Uk feature who was hanged.... Who still dare say US are not a Democracy and not a Medieval suprematist Country .... without yet a Constitution and ignoring The Rule of Law ? I choose my picture, for that reason, online (Twitter, June 2nd) ; 'Reuters' gave me that chance with a paper signed Guy Faulconbridge (a good guy, sure) and entitled : "Can I have a kangoroo ? Navalny taunts Russian prison with bizarre requests". Who is that guy ? His name is Alexei Navalny, he is a Russian opposition leader whose hearing for numerous charges takes place at Moscow City Court in a new criminal case. The East, a mirror by inversion, of The West ? And again Australia, Assange native country.... And Trump, that bad guy, so stupid nobody now can believe in him, the neg

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