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A Presidential Campaign, the (Highly) Classified Documents Case, and the not yet named "COVID19 Case"

A Presidential Campaign, the (Highly) Classified Documents Case, and the not yet named "COVID19 Case"

Publicado el 17, jul, 2023 Actualizado 17, jul, 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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A Presidential Campaign, the (Highly) Classified Documents Case, and the not yet named "COVID19 Case"


Trump out ? Hopefully, likely, surely : a Presidential Campaign and a former President or Trump Defendant, so an American Run for the Best in a Big Country with an ongoing investigation or Trump Trials; but also BIG ISSUES for such a Democratical Race along with the Coronavirus Case, officially a protection failure (a nation crisis), can be expected as one of those issues within some others ("The Classified Docs Leak", The Espionage Act violation....) and, at the end, a whole like a SCANDAL with so many co-conspirators INSIDE AND OUTSIDE AMERICA. Wow !

I chose my picture today (source : Newsletter of The Glorieuses [French Feminist online News], July 17th) because the journalist (no, not Assange : not him again : too deceiving while we need clarity) Sian Morris' book (for women, abortion ....) is released and of course can be read in regard to a suprematist trend as well as a non unfold parternship (not hegemony)  - SEDITION vs UNI

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