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TRUMP DEFENDANT, SUPREMATISM and FELONY, Monkeism and Shame ... (the End of a White World for White People)

TRUMP DEFENDANT, SUPREMATISM and FELONY, Monkeism and Shame ... (the End of a White World for White People)

Publicado el 21, jun, 2023 Actualizado 21, jun, 2023 Cultura
time 5 min
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TRUMP DEFENDANT, SUPREMATISM and FELONY, Monkeism and Shame ... (the End of a White World for White People)


This picture is a joyful tribute, political memory on June 19th, to the Federal Holiday Commemorating of the end of slavery in the US, the New Continent I propose now to call, because of "Trump Trials" and strains to make triumphant the Democracy Rule of Law, "fresh Continent" in regard of an old dusty Europe with a dirt Past in danger to repeat it under many aspects. And the Feast of Juneteenth regards African Americans, a kind of slavery standard : the Blacks or the 'marooned' people by which you can imagine, understand elsewhere white women and children - a kind of distopian but alas real human toy for any beast pulses - and not only in a Heart [of] Darkness to mind Conrad's novel in 1899. Usually slavery is thought in regard of colonization, as abolishment (a tribute to President Lincoln) ...., but despite illegality and untold trafic (with kidnappings, rapts...., confidential sales of human beings by any kind of mafias ; bands,

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