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I chose Freedom and Justice

I chose Freedom and Justice

Publicado el 15, jun, 2023 Actualizado 15, jun, 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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I chose Freedom and Justice

(I wouldn't love to be Assange's sister)


This chosen picture (the choice of mine) above because it shows, expresses a difference, a true one and because of The beloved Dear Queen. Monarchy, Family, Titles, Power, Names ..., codes and values, treasons ...

About my today "headline", I chose to quote both two books of Kravchenko. These days of Trump indictments - two (Trump Trials is forward) and especially about The Espionage Act (violation) as if a such charge (very serious) upon the former President of US was included or had to be understood as a piece of a huge charge of FELONY (for a President of United States of America !) in what it is named THE CLASSIFIED DOCUMENTS CASE. 'The Espionage Act' cannot be understood or alleged (in Court, I suppose) without The National Security Act. So, many years in jail are expected by a scared immature treator Donald Trump sure ... but

.... like Assange ?

Yes, I think so; and rather than pay

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