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SUPREMATISM IS PROSLAVERY(Trump Trials and more) : K as ....

SUPREMATISM IS PROSLAVERY(Trump Trials and more) : K as ....

Publicado el 10, may, 2023 Actualizado 10, may, 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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SUPREMATISM IS PROSLAVERY(Trump Trials and more) : K as ....


I chose the picture of Mrs Chow Ching Lie, Journey in Tears : Memory of a Girlhood in China, because it figures out what it is not (my answer to question I raised yesterday) American, by nature (or by itself), what is un-American like a Country which haven't -coudn't have - invented Music : rock n' roll, blues, and so on (a couloured soil where Blacks know playing poignant tunes but also different songs ...., un-American under the Trump name, the awful disgusting conspirator's one DOJ officials - General Attorneys, federal prosecutors (accross states, with different federal or contextual rules [diverse challenges as abortion rights and so on], with a Constitutional model (with its Amendments, its past....) - those officials who arraigned him in the name of The Rule of Law (equality tenet without any prerogative : 'nobody is above Law'), for 'Trump Defendant' is on the contrary a lasting spot on a social contract (no deal or tacit on

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