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Our Enemy is Not Modern : Covidian Men, Assange's Same Old Refrain, and Historical Nato Summit.

Our Enemy is Not Modern : Covidian Men, Assange's Same Old Refrain, and Historical Nato Summit.

Publicado el 12, jul, 2023 Actualizado 12, jul, 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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Our Enemy is Not Modern : Covidian Men, Assange's Same Old Refrain, and Historical Nato Summit.


Is now reported each moment of a significant Summit, a politic diplomatic one and not a business one ; because Politics is a job, and State Chiefs who attend the NATO Summit are accoutable, all at Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy whose voice is solem,, his tone grave. Why then ? A Historical Date, sure ; on the contrary of old warlike revenge (who knows ?) alliances or partnerships or dealers... But today, an opportunity (Joe Biden's word) has to be seized - a kairos - because of a true will of Peace : alliance choice is indeed union one : "the alliance's Summit in Vilnius" (Reuters, July 12th), "a new NATO Ukraine Council on the second day of Summit" : a NEW one, another Council like a decision in History. To which aiming ? Against which protecting ourselves ? A war (timeless one, neither original not attractive) like a blackmail ? From which Country ? Guess.

Let's quickly return to Assange case, so boring but not ordinary

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