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I Prefer Miller to Monroe, more the first one than the second one (if comparison matters out any limit)

I Prefer Miller to Monroe, more the first one than the second one (if comparison matters out any limit)

Publicado el 22, jul, 2023 Actualizado 22, jul, 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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I Prefer Miller to Monroe, more the first one than the second one (if comparison matters out any limit)


Thanks to the photo above (source : Newsletter of BeauxArts, French online Magazine, on July 22th), I didn't really find which title giving to my text; and as nobody is perfect, I suddenly thought to the big writer Henry Miller. Regarding the name of such a smiling duet, I have to precise that it is "Belle-Arnaque" (Beautiful Trick, or Big Con if you love playing with words and psychanalizing). Why ? Because the topic of SWINDLE, CHEAT is the main one concerning American, especially Trumpian News (classified documents case, obstruction, and so on : witnesses tampering, deprivation of rights ahead like another possible charges : see "The Beat", MSNBC, July 19th) but also a national Campaign where only Democrats like both Biden and Kennedy are running as legitimate (professional) or believable challengers, those two ones for the moment where attacks ad hominem regarding the nephew of the famous assassinated President : really unpleasa

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