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America is not Dallas, the United States of America are not Texas. 

America is not Dallas, the United States of America are not Texas. 

Publicado el 13, may, 2023 Actualizado 13, may, 2023 Cultura
time 3 min
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America is not Dallas, the United States of America are not Texas. 

One mistake : confounding (making confusion), melting part with whole, like suprematism is convinced of White Men are some distinguished members a society, some eminent chiefs of State : all above the others human beings and first of all above the Law, a kind of old-fashioned and awful standard which emerges again by rewriting temptation of US History. If Trump was a king, he was the mixing one like a champion of CONFUSION : both mental one like insanity (disorder) - making sick a great country - and social one like expert of conflicts of interest (collusion). But ENOUGH with the former shameful President of America a false and wandering debate still rages around his mean ego and his obvious silliness ; we almost hear only of the felon in media instead of being informed, instead of learning, advancing into main ISSUES regarding his charges an ongoing investigation pursues and which should open to the rest of the world with which it is

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