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No joke when Justice Matters.

No joke when Justice Matters.

Publicado el 3, may, 2023 Actualizado 3, may, 2023 Cultura
time 6 min
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No joke when Justice Matters.

Jail, not hell, is not for children : of course not. And yet we have to deal with many shocking statements to which any will of Justice could be interested with, "shocking" I mean not false, not obviously false but tendencious, insane, deceptive in their goals .... And so many pictures, photos, images poison so much public space, sane debate, Democracy fights, reach saturation point for maintaining confusion. The Assange Case belongs to such bad means; the defence of WikiLeaks Boss is indeed very strange and surely biassed regarding the LEAKS CASE, especially the highiest classified documents case. Perhaps the unfair judgement (so many years in prison) by an American Court (an old one, it seems to : a Clarence one ?) which wants his extradition is not at all deprived of reason but an untold one. Anyway, the photo I borrowed it to FaceBook (April 30th) lets me introduce to my point in those days when America (dear one, God Bless) is wat

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