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CATCHED LIKE A THIEF (incriminating documents)

CATCHED LIKE A THIEF (incriminating documents)

Publicado el 2, jun, 2023 Actualizado 2, jun, 2023 Cultura
time 4 min
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CATCHED LIKE A THIEF (incriminating documents)


Denial is no more possible. Trump Defendant has to face himself : welcome and please sit down, The Rule of Law is effective, the Constitutional and fair one which refers to any citizen wherever he lives (Texas or not Texas) and works...., deals, trades, runs ..... Not enough fast he is, however he had moved before FBI search classified documents or information on August 8th at Mar-a-Lago ; indeed he tried to grab some of them.... in a real 'dress rehearsal' (a fake, hypocritical stage, a travesty of truth each time by a performance) : bad script, so bad. And The New York Times to release such a headline  : "Trump was Taped Discussing Sensitive Document He Had Kept After Leaving Office". Catched, in the box. "The Last Word" (MSNBC, June 1rst) comments it, with this add : " 'Use his words' Smith turns the table against Trump with BOMBSHELL 'charge' announcement after T. APE". The way is well known, an old fashioned trick ; and in his

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