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History ? No, Past.

History ? No, Past.

Publicado el 4, may, 2024 Actualizado 4, may, 2024 Cultura
time 3 min
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History ? No, Past.


History is going to be written which actually regards until now an untold past, a past which just demands to emerge and it does ; needless to controversies especially political ones (on American History for example) by wrong or insane democrats like Sanders who joins by radicalism Far Right and other enemis of Israel State .... Justice is coming, its march is not always a long one; up and down run each week first of all in America as professional and officials tell us; we also can imagine the same abroad because we deal with a "huge seditious criminal conspiracy". I refer, in that introduction of the ISSUE, to "Brooks and Capehart on campus protests and Trump's vision for a 2d term" (PBSNewsHour, on May 3rd) ; VIOLENCE surrounds us and alas youth, and FREE SPEECH is at stake : for that reason we have to understand what it means. I then add my comment to the two journalists ones : GAG ORDER is until now a sanction to Trump and it coul

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