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(conspiracy axis)
Bank bank, not bang bang : neither bang (rather gang) nor bing. Twitter is magic. D'you know why ? Because of the champion of free speech who even allowed Donald to post on his platform where he was before forbidden, but Trump did not grab the kairos (anyway he does not understand ancient Greek; okay he is not an erudite ....and maybe panic began to strangle him) and prefered his (an invention but by whom ?) 'Truth Media' : a kind of mockery - no need to underline - like 'Marseille soaps' you're recommended to buy. Actually the wealthy owner of Twitter, fan of intelligence as well as space, actually make us more learned and informed by his social media despite disinformation and propaganda anywhere and not only on social media (see several biased tenacious by some press viewpoints). One more time, I picked up that photo which, strickly speaking, is only but a fantasy, a big lie because it is an impossibility as to
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