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Immunity v Immunization

Immunity v Immunization

Publicado el 28, abr, 2024 Actualizado 28, abr, 2024 Cultura
time 2 min
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Immunity v Immunization


Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (source : Twitter April 27th) faces Judge Clarence Thomas, she will draft and introduce article of impeachment against him. More generally speaking, IMMUNITY - political immunization like a double of natural one - is clearly now a big issue for American Justice which should be not controversial in any Democracy and particularly into a big democracy as U. S. : indeed Trump & Co claim immunity of President (even he is not a sitting-on) as if he is a king and could not been prosecuted by Justice in order to escape from any CRIMES CHARGE. It is clearly now a big issue, because of the easy comparison we can do with the Coronavirus Case and its covidian narrative (COVID19 : war code) where immunization against a damned virus within a so-called dangerous pandemic, such an IMMUNIZATION would be the true remedy with (Pfizer, and so on) vaccines but which is a true swindle : alas a dangerous swindle which endangers an

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