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A Page Has Been Turned

A Page Has Been Turned

Publicado el 23, mar, 2024 Actualizado 23, mar, 2024 Cultura
time 4 min
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A Page Has Been Turned

(the confession issue)


Anyway, something changed and trials are expected : "Trump trials" first. And I chose the photo of Jack Dorsey (source : Britannica Newsletter, March 21th) because he was the co-founder of Twitter, the platform where Trump was finally banned and where he is no more by the new owner of that platform Elon Musk in the name of free speech; I chose at the time of Facebook crisis regarding credibility and especially a CONFESSION ISSUE Morning Brew frontpage (Mach 20th) in one way talks about : "Shrimp Jesus" : a true ironic one to laugh about a so mean false religion like a mask behind which the technological ideological hubris is at stake : a Big Tech which matches with the so-called "Big Lie". Human reason algorithms can go far, unstopped in regard to a limited program or plot : finally Dorsey as a puppet (a looser), like Trump, an old arm as well as a weapon turned against himself with a white male  suprematism

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