Finding Your Writing Flow
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Finding Your Writing Flow
Even When Motivation Runs Dry
Being creative, there is almost no better experience than being completely engrossed in the creative process. Such is the case when there are plenty of ideas and words flow freely through our thoughts and out into the world. And yet, like any exciting pursuit, there isn’t an unlimited supply of creative inspiration within the everyday entrepreneur. Now and again inspiration will slip out of grasp and there is nothing that can be done to retrieve it. Some of us produce countless ideas, and once we hit rock bottom, it becomes frustrating to sit and look at a paper or a computer monitor waiting for inspiration to hit. But if one just steps back for a moment and changes the perspective on such drip-feed creative slumps, anyone can learn to woo their muse back in the right direction and return to sprinkling its magic again.
Any fine artist, writer, or musician can tell the difference between the rhythm
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