"Trump Trials"
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"Trump Trials"
The formula is former Federal Prosecutor Glenn Kirschner's one, I borrow it from him because Truth cannot be denied at length. And all these trials concerning Trump Defendant are not, accurately not Moscow Trials. Indictments are more generally expected after diverse arraignments. For we don't know (I roughly quote) what is Trump - Crime - Organization. We yet notice the troubled GOP which tries by any way (often some bad ones) to disregard Justice officials ; Manhattan General Attorney A. Bragg is shamefully under attack. And we notice also a battle between conservatism - the prize goes to Texas with its loudly (manly) voices - and progressism (see fights for abortion on one hand, for gun control on the other hand ....; mind at the same time the uneasy balance on international chess (in particular between or concerning different States like Israel - with a Far Right Wing, very patriarchal and so on). Actually it is not, not at all, su
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