No Prerogative, No.Yes 'Free Truth is Free Assange'
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No Prerogative, No.Yes 'Free Truth is Free Assange'
"Free Truth, free Assange" is the name of a short movie (you can watch it on Twitter). And regarding Julian Assange, a few prejudices still prevail ; read him and you will see, fact to fact and not vain propaganda with its boring images.... For example, one of them is - and it's really a shocking idea - that he is anti-American ! Someone who argues Constitution Amendments (the RULE OF LAW) against federal decrees which would ruin the one and only one Democracy tenet that no one is above the Law (the opposite a a Donald Trump believes in, poor Donald Duck !). No prerogative, no : none. And I'm understanding rather now than yesterday why WikiLeaks founder refuses secret as a knowledge some would know and catch, keep and deliberately handle like something more than tje others (possession). Yes, SECRET, NOT PRIVACY which is a RIGHT. That's why I chose such a grey picture (borrowed to 'Morning Brew', Feb 23) with the following headline : "T
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