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The Trial of Donald Trump, "Trump's trials" (according to the Former Prosecutor G. Kirschner), DEFENDANT TRUMP...
All the World is watching America (if not, it should be) not because of an unexpected decision of Justice (it is beginning with D. A. Alvin Bragg) like INDICTMENT of a former President, which is not really suprising in a real Democracy - and United States is a great Democracy : with a Constitution like a old solid Wall - and which shows a kind of sanity concerning Institutions from their diverse embodiments, but because something happens one couldn't imagine for diverse old reasons like invariable criminal organization. First Indictment, yes. That is, first indictment in US before others but others inside and outside US. First Indictment in US, Second ones .... In that sense, imagine an out-of-blue picture of Backstage Politics as art of negotiation or Art of Deal(s).
First then second and more for Trump with so many char
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Cecile Voisset
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