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Praises of Youth  

Praises of Youth  

Publié le 28 mai 2021 Mis à jour le 28 mai 2021 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 155 lectures

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Praises of Youth  

when I was a little prince a used to think az a mann niw dat am a king if here a use to think az a boy


abbots oath Seth are boom-boom, abbots oath Eth are bang-bang

men'svare daddy up for you,  mom's are lovergirls of mine, kidz are a little here and pets are gone where I've been 


Kahyna's a name of High, Lucifer iz more a law, Aneris waz made for love and Jah brings a lot of hasch

in my hoodz are bride's like you, in my boots are Praises of Youth, in my oath iz love of me, even if I loose myself.

heaven's have been made for me, cos I love enough oath High, nir than much of where I've been, nothing less a benefit.

Shyless iz no fear to love, more have been moving my syns, sequences are moving my feets, samplibg fearless I'm holy.

and lore than a real true her, I luve more az a Wiccan's can only sing for God's and also my goddesses 

Linving az a real true her, since am back in the weekend, a would like to stand night gere, am jusr gathing my soals

love iz a rzal piwer, and am only made for peace, light waz built in tha weekend while shadow stands for daylight.



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