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Aesirs and Asyngurs 

Aesirs and Asyngurs 

Publié le 28 mai 2021 Mis à jour le 28 mai 2021 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 174 lectures

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Aesirs and Asyngurs 

Whatever minds I trust Aesirs and Asyngurs more than fake hypocritical smiling

Whoever absorbs my suffering when I'm sad from love and lonely 

Whenever I hear talking silences I do listen those tiny voices but I don't give a fuck

Because those voices are fake audient foolish ones I can't trust cos silence is a gift from The Lords of Asgard.

Ladies who loves me drive me nuts but I do believe in their healing ways of loving someone damned like me

I have Ladies and Lords following me now, more than ever and it's enough to glad me.

But I never want to feel like a God again cos I'm dissident Chaos and a real though her living in the weekend since so many years that I stopped counting seasons that come and goes away

Raising my art to a witchcraft into shadows I'm invisible in my sanctuary and am a reversed bodhisatva who went out his bodhi and went kaosatva, an abbot oath Seth

Rapping for my fellow Lords and Ladies, please send me back my innocence for etherithy so that I can run on love again as the wizard I have ever been.

For my ladies and princesses all over di world there are only brotha's and lionesses into Jah's iration HIM IMPERIAL MAJESTY Sellasieh High The First and Final Lord on Grounds.

Tanna ity haffi go Tana isy haffi ho Deho Dyha zel oki Hag zaïno zaïni siha naya disty oh KIA mundak oz a shiv eh ohm a lik oramk anih eryna adusty kolis ta bel abel 


lecture 174 lectures
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