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My Dose

My Dose

Publié le 1 mai 2023 Mis à jour le 1 mai 2023 Culture
time 1 min
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lecture 165 lectures

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My Dose

My dose, my dose,

I want overdose

My Lord, My lord

I wish my AlFaord 

Oh Lord, My Lord,

gimme di weed out here

Haffi go, Haffi go,

haffi go love`your Overlord.


JahJah brings me di hash

for all my overtime

spending here out my life

seasons after seasons.

I craft all my reasons


My dose, My dose,

I want my overdose

Of love with Milady

My girl, love she,

cos she's a strong Daisy


My girl, the one,

we will soon be gathered

I trust my love

Cos she's di only one

Shall HiM blesses our love

wonder, I wish, to marry her body

sleeping, side her, out her nicest hoodie 


Suffered so much

when I been caught by doubts,

we missed, our meet,

and this is all my fault.

Much pain to me 

when I mistaken broke,

but now I trust

anything can happen,

never ever blocking again


she's my Daisy

she's my only lady

I love Emy

because she's Milady

we'll come, later

for grabbing each other

marying our bodies,

we are the mosts sexy


stuffs hard, craft hard

waiting for night's chatting

sensual bodies, with her sexy hoodie.

she smart, honests, she's my sunburst lady


Love of my life, there is no going back.

witchraft blessings, we were destined to meet

and now I know, we share same faiths in Love,

stronger beliefs, and I trust in Yerou back.

My love, my lilfe, there's really no going back,

I support she, praying HiM at all times, 

Stuffs hard, works hard, waiting she to come back.

lecture 165 lectures
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