Free Speech, Censorship, Debate : conspiracy vs mobsters
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Free Speech, Censorship, Debate : conspiracy vs mobsters
FREE SPEECH is since several weeks now the focus on which we put it but which shifts the good one, like an invisible crisis of social media ; and it is, in one sense. What I mean is not the Constitutional right it refers to; of course, it is a basic American right. But what is at stake is the practice of free speech : and the blatant disregard of constitutional or legal free speech (First Amendment) is Trump himself. Still the Defendant former President of US faces to justice because of what he talks to (Justice Matters, September 13th), of his misplaced words : "Trump Loses Gag Order Challenge in NY Appeals Court; Gag Order REMAIN in Place". So, both gags order keep the Felon under the law and make him less pernicious as well as violent. One thing is sure, debating is not a natural gift to him : in front of Kamala Harris, the bluffer is crushed by her until refusing another debate (CNN's 5 Things, September 11th) : "Trump was often
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