"Back on the Bench" The Arch from Putin to Trump
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"Back on the Bench" The Arch from Putin to Trump
Back on the bench, back on the docket is the frontpage of PBS News (photo) on October 12th with that headline "A new term in the shadow of a presidential election". At stake, guess what and who ? Trump Defendant, now a looser almost each time in Court. Jack Smith of course works also about the ELECTION SUBVERSION CRIME, reminding that secrecy belongs to Justice too : in order to protect the ongoing investigation by a non-disclosure order; time is on his side, for sure. And now Judge Tania Chutkan joins somehow to Special counsel J. Smith regarding 5 criminal schemes or plans (with evidence) especially a substantial election fraud. Trump's corrupted lawyers cannot anythink to such a process. Glenn Kirschner (Justice Matters, October 4th) emphasized : "Trump's 5 Criminal Schemes Detailed in Jack Smith Filing : the Mike Pence Piece Is Beyond Disturbing". A file of more than 160p by Smith. So a relevant question (Justice Matters, Oct
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