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Who are Joe Biden 's Enemis ?

Who are Joe Biden 's Enemis ?

Publié le 12 juil. 2024 Mis à jour le 12 juil. 2024 Culture
time 4 min
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Who are Joe Biden 's Enemis ?


CNN's 5 Things (July 11th) shows this photo of President Joe Biden at work, with the frontpage : "Biden to give unscripted news conference today". More, tied to the photo : "President Biden makes opening remarks during the NATO summit in Washington, DC, Stoltenberg right." It is not the first time a President's health is alleged during a Presidency Run, in France F. Mitterrand was attacked for such a reason even Joe Biden is rebuked for his supposed mental weakness on the plea of his age. Anyway, my questioning is the following one I will detail : Who are President Biden's Enemis ? Who are both OPPONENTS and CHALLENGERS ? Enemis, the opposite of friends; so I even can include among the category of ENEMY the kinds of men we used to talk to point out Trump Defendant : his former lackeys. The AMERICAN CAMPAIGN is going and turning on a very bad side in so far a balance is needed, adding the only one who must go out of that serious race

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