Because children matter
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Because children matter
The documents case - some CLASSIFIED ones - appears more and more a sensible exploding case and thanks to the honest code professional Julian Assange (be patient please for the explanation), it really turns into a bad dreadful affair which make adults particularly accountable especially when they get power. For instance we've just learned ('Meet the Press', FB, February 7th) that Pentagon officials say (but they say, good) they fed 'false information' to the Chinese Balloon. Imagine what kind plausible MISINFORMATION politic governments can spread despite ordinary lifes and in particular civil ones. A Mystery ? No, a near or soon revelation, exposure, which could (another situation cannot be possible) upset political current chess. Exposure, something to be known by all of us, so (in that case) declassified. And it appears that the following question is raised : what, which document(s) can be DECLASSIFIED now ?
The very interesting p
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